
Interclub Tryouts

Aforza is recruiting new tennis talent to tryout for our interclub team. Compete together against other clubs in a fierce ongoing tournament. Do you have what it takes? Come find out on April 5th!

Tryouts are only for members 18+. For the tryout, the coach will have you play singles, doubles, or mix doubles to see your level of play. Participants will be asked to come at a specific time. Members who are selected into the teams will be charged a $100 non-refundable fee. The final interclub fee will be announced once the match and practice schedule are finalized.

Team members who get selected, should be available most of the summer as there is a weekly match against another team (6pm or later). Matches are played in-house or hosted by other clubs around the city. It is a good way to meet new people your level and compete in a team environment. 3.0 & 4.0 Teams will have practices with one of our coaches.

Join us in representing Aforza pride across the city by registering for tryouts by Midnight, March 31st.


Apr 05 2025


4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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5600 19 St SW, Calgary, AB T3E 8G5, Canada


Sonia C Bernal
Sonia C Bernal
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